Adventure Pants 14 – I Was Fighting Two Or Three Of Them (Jose Teixeira)

Jose Teixeira joins the show to tell his tale of being jumped in a foreign country, then I grill him on having to sit through Adam Sandler’s latest piece-o-crap, Grown Ups 2!

Sorry for the audio noise, we recorded in a room with a ceiling fan.

Don’t forget to check out the awesome Audible free ebook offer!

Download Here.

Adventure Pants 10 – You Still Have That Bottle Of Champagne? (Chris Overton)

Chris Overton joins the show to tell his tale of REM shows, breaking laws and assaulting a train passenger with champagne. Then, to continue things musically, we discuss our favorite, least favorite and dream venues.

Adventure Pants is available on iTunes! And Stitcher! Subscribe! Direct RSS is also available here.

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Adventure Pants 5 – A Backseat of a Car Filled with Pot (Lynne Laino)

My wonderful mother, Lynne Laino, drops by to talk about her childhood trip to Mexico, where she encountered big hills, a drug bust, and wicked sunburn. Then, I give her a chance for retribution for 26 years of harassment.

Adventure Pants is now available on iTunes! And Stitcher! Subscribe! Direct RSS is also available here.

Adventure Pants 4 – If One of Us Had to Pee, the Other One Would Come Nearby (Chris Long)

Chris Long drops by to discuss the time he had a tubing adventure go wildly awry, we discuss the upcoming spate of Marvel films and if fatigue might set in.

Adventure Pants is now available on iTunes! And Stitcher! Subscribe! Direct RSS is also available here.

Adventure Pants 2 – The Statute of Limitations Has Passed (Tyler)

Week two is upon us!

Tyler Oyler tells me of the crime he once committed; we discuss Superman and his place in the modern area.

Adventure Pants is now on iTunes!

Subscribe, if ya please.

Adventure Pants 1 – I Don’t Know What the Stranger Gave Me (Andrew)

Andrew describes an unfortunate hospital adventure; the Evil Dead remake is discussed.

Will have an RSS feed and iTunes set up soonish, but right now, direct download from the above link. Right click, save target as.

New episodes every Monday!

Thanks for listening!